
You can sell more if you go online

Kenyan businesses are failing to meet the current demand of online shoppers.

By January 2023, 32.7% of Kenyans were online. We approximate 21 million users(40%) by mid 2024. These are potential customers for your business. But, how many local businesses are online? Not Enough.

Most local businesses only sell to people who come physically to the shop. Here is the problem. How can such a business grow? How do you sell to people in other areas? The answer: Start another branch.

The fact is, the majority of local businesses are SMEs. They cannot afford to expand physically. This is the opportunity of digital platforms.

If Kenyans across the country can access the internet, why not put your products there? Before buying, people will, first, search for products and local shops online, then come to the shop. A Mastercard study found that 79% of Kenyans shop more online since the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is more. Online shopping is dominated by big brands like Jumia, Jiji, Kilimall, Alibaba, and Amazon. Why? Because local businesses are not online.

To ambitious entrepreneurs,

Your customers are ONLINE. Take your business to them.